Our main species

Vilmorin-Mikado USA is one of the main players in the leafy and brassica in the US/Canada market. But with more than 120 varieties in this wide product range, it offers a large choice in many other species as well.

Everywhere, closer to you.

Vilmorin-Mikado USA is a Vilmorin-Mikado subsidiary, present in USA and Canada. We sell vegetable seeds designed to meet the needs of the entire food industry, from professionals (farmers, market gardeners, plant producers, industry) to end customers.


Experts committed to you

At Vilmorin-Mikado USA, we are constantly striving to stay in sync with the market, working with and for you to offer our advice and expertise.

We provide high-quality seeds born of our extensive experience and proven expertise.

From us, expect quality seed of the tastiest products for your markets.

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